Overcome Nice Guy Fear of Abandonment

“No More Mr. Nice Guy” Story 6 of 25

Hey brother! It's Happy Man Coach Charlie McKeever, coming at you from the sunny, vibrant Costa Rica.

Today, I want to share a personal story from my childhood, one that profoundly shaped my fears and anxieties. If you’ve ever grappled with a fear of abandonment, maybe my story will resonate with you.

Picture this: I’m a young kid, about eight to ten years old. My mother, frustrated and unhappy with her marriage, would sometimes pack up everything while my stepfather was at work. She'd take her clothes, empty the bank account, load up our Pinto, and hit the road. Each time, this whirlwind escape was filled with a mix of desperation and uncertainty.

I remember these trips vividly. We'd be driving for what felt like forever, and then, out of nowhere, my mom would pull over, break down in tears, and turn to me, a mere child, asking, “What should I do?” Imagine the weight of that question on little shoulders. I didn’t fully grasp the complexity of her emotions or the situation. All I knew was that I wanted to stop her tears and make her feel okay.

As a child, I tried my best to comfort her, to be the adult she needed in those moments. But these experiences left a mark. Unbeknownst to me, I started carrying a deep-seated fear of abandonment. I worried that if I didn't do everything right, if I didn't keep those I loved happy, they might leave me. This fear silently seeped into my adult life, my marriage, and my interactions with others.

Fast forward to my adult years. I found myself constantly checking in with my wife, anxiously asking if she was okay. But looking back, I realize I wasn't just checking on her well-being—I was seeking reassurance that I was okay, that I wasn't about to be abandoned. It took me a long time to understand this connection, to see how my childhood had wired me to fear abandonment and seek constant validation.

If you find yourself nodding along, recognizing these fears in your own life, you're not alone. Many of us carry invisible scars from our past that shape our present. This journey of self-discovery and healing isn't easy, but it's crucial.

Ready to change your life?

Then take the next logical step.

Schedule a free coaching call with me to share your story and discuss what you'd like be different in your relationships and life.

Take my Happy Man Coaching No More Mr. Nice Guy Course

The course includes private one-on-one coaching calls to help you understand the key concepts covered in the book, along with other important related concepts NOT covered in the No More Mr. Nice Guy book.

Until we talk again, be kind to yourself.

Much love, brother,

Charlie McKeever
Your Happy Man Coach

"The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself." – Wallace D. Wattles, 1903

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Overcome Nice Guy Need To Control


Overcome Nice Guy Fear of Disapproval