Untold “No More Mr. Nice Guy” Stories

This video is an introduction to a new Happy Man Coaching video series of 25 untold 'No More Mr. Nice Guy' stories that could have easily been included in Dr. Robert Glover's book, No More Mr. Nice Guy.

These nice guy syndrome stories are from my personal life and childhood. I am sharing them here to help men understand just how impactful our childhood events can be in the making of a nice guy, which I was until I read No More Mr. Nice Guy and began my nice guy recovery journey.

As a full time Happy Man Coach, I help men heal themselves, reclaim their lives, and live fully as the men they were born to be, not who they think they need to be to please people to get their needs met.

Are you ready to become that man for yourself?

Then take the next logical step.

Schedule a free coaching call with me to share your story and discuss what you'd like be different in your relationships and life.

Take my Happy Man Coaching No More Mr. Nice Guy Course

The course includes private one-on-one coaching calls to help you understand the key concepts covered in the book, along with other important related concepts NOT covered in the No More Mr. Nice Guy book.

Until we talk again, be kind to yourself.

Much love, brother,

Charlie McKeever
Your Happy Man Coach

"The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself." – Wallace D. Wattles, 1903

Disclaimer: I sometimes earn commissions when you use my links to make purchases, but these products and services don't cost you more. Your purchases support my efforts to reach and help more men.


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