Overcome Nice Guy Nervous Anxiety

“No More Mr. Nice Guy” Story 20 of 25

Welcome back to this "Making of a Nice Guy" series. Today, I want to talk to you about something that might sound a bit odd: the positives of being a nice guy and the benefits of the trials and tribulations we've faced.

I know, I know—you're probably thinking, "How can there be positives in the struggle of trying to unravel the mess of being a nice guy?" But hear me out. We have to recognize the good that comes through our experiences because they're part of who we are. Appreciating this can help us stop labeling ourselves as broken or bad. Instead, we can see life as a patient, kind teacher, waiting for us to learn and grow.

Looking back on my childhood, I see a turbulent time marked by alcoholism, domestic violence, and those dreaded 2 a.m. mornings. It wasn't easy, and there were many moments I'd rather forget. But amidst the chaos, there was also resilience. Every morning, I had to get up, go to school, and pretend like everything was okay. This daily struggle taught me to adapt and overcome—skills I later honed in the Marine Corps.

It wasn't until I started doing this inner work that I truly appreciated the concept of resilience. I learned that resilience is our ability to bounce back quickly from uncomfortable situations. It's about finding our center again, not letting circumstances spin us out of control for days or weeks. This resilience has been a superpower I've had all along, but I never acknowledged or appreciated it because I was too focused on the trauma.

Facing those difficult moments and seeing them for what they are—uncomfortable but formative—allowed me to recognize how they shaped me. Yes, there were things I didn't like and never want to repeat, but they also made me stronger. Now, I can use that strength to help others.

I can help men like you understand how to bounce back, how to be okay, and how to come home to yourself. It's about learning to stop labeling yourself as bad and start seeing both sides of the story. Yes, you're in pain, but so are the people around you—your wife, girlfriend, children, coworkers, boss, clients, friends, and even strangers. Recognizing this doesn't diminish your pain but helps you develop empathy and compassion.

When you care for yourself and show others how to do the same, you become a guide and a model for them. You offer them the gift of a whole, happy, and healthy you. That's what we learn in this work, and it's something we learn by sharing our stories with each other.

So, I want to invite you to share your story with me. Tell me about the experiences that have shaped you and made you stronger. What were the moments that felt uncomfortable but ultimately contributed to your growth? By reflecting on these moments, you can start to challenge your self-limiting beliefs and make different choices for yourself.

Until we face these beliefs and change our perspective, we'll keep repeating the same patterns. It's like Groundhog Day, living the same struggles over and over. But once we start asking ourselves new questions and hearing ourselves truly for the first time, transformation begins.

Ready to change your marriage and your life?

Then take the next logical step.

Schedule a free coaching call with me to share your story and discuss what you'd like be different in your relationships and life.

Take my Happy Man Coaching No More Mr. Nice Guy Course

The course includes private one-on-one coaching calls to help you understand the key concepts covered in the book, along with other important related concepts NOT covered in the No More Mr. Nice Guy book.

Until we talk again, be kind to yourself.

Much love, brother,

Charlie McKeever
Your Happy Man Coach

"The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself." – Wallace D. Wattles, 1903

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Overcome Nice Guy Adultery Fears


Overcome Nice Guy Fear of Mistakes